Silent Art Auction
Visionary Paintings of a Mystic Traveler
Final Auction date, September 22, 2013
You may wonder about the paintings you have seen displayed at our meetings. Our member, Carolyn Relei, has gifted us with an incredible opportunity to own works of the late astrologer and spiritual artist, Arne Trettevik. Arne spent much time at Esalen Institute with other consciousness pioneers and/or astrologers including Stanislaus Grof and Richard Tarnas and was known to carry an ephemeris under his arm. Carolyn has been the keeper of numerous pieces of Arne’s work for many years and felt ready to share them and find good homes for them with people who would appreciate their context and beauty. She has donated them to NCGR-SAA and all proceeds of a nine-month Silent Auction will benefit our education programs.
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About Arne Trettevik
Arne Trettevik (1938 -1999) was a world traveler, master story teller and artist. Born in Seattle, he served in the US Air Force as a radar operator stationed in both Morocco and Germany, and moved to San Francisco and enrolled in City College of San Francisco in 1962.
Arne on Irazu
In addition to his academic major, anthropology, he pursued personal study and practice of Hatha Yoga, as well as Shamanism, and study of Western Astrology. He also began to teach himself to paint, first with water colors and tempera paint, then acrylic.
In the 1970s, he transferred to Sonoma State College and earned his BA in three disciplines: Anthropology, Psychopharmacology and India Studies. Arnold continued to study astrology as a tool for self-understanding, for deepening his connection with the cosmos, and for predicting and making sense of the events around him. After graduation from Sonoma State, he taught astrology for a short while at Esalen Institute, where his intense scrutiny of the transiting planets influenced a generation of astrologers, the most well known of whom are Stanislav Grof and Richard Tarnas *(see below). Sometime during the same decade, he stayed in a small village with a Huichol family (Native Americans of northern Mexico, famous for their peyote quests and rituals). Because of his astrological perspective, the Huichol family called him a star shaman.
During the 1950s – 1970s, he had taken many photographs of many monuments and people in many countries and cultural settings, by the mid-1970s, he stopped using his camera, and used only his paintbrush to capture his perceptions, mostly of what he was seeing on his interior, shamanic journeys of imagination and spirit. In the last few years of his life, while living in the Palm Springs area, he got much of his inspiration from the mystical and magical beauty of the surrounding desert world. He also portrayed his luminous inner world of Buddha meditation figures and beautiful goddesses beckoning toward the Light.
Most of the people who view them remark on how the paintings make them feel – most of the paintings evoke feelings of calmness, spirituality, a sense of wonder and love.
Quotes and Acknowledgments about Arne
“At Esalen, Rick and I met Arne Trettevik, a man whose life was completely dedicated to astrology. He walked around with the American Ephemeris book, which he consulted on a daily or even hourly basis, monitoring thec orrelations between planetary transits and the events in his life. Arne’s strategy was different from Eugene’s; instead of just sharing with us his observations, he taught us how to calculate transits and discussed with us the principal characteristics of the planetary archetypes so that we could verify for ourselves the basic tenets of astrology.” – Stanislav Grof, When the Impossible Happens: Adventures in Non-Ordinary Reality (Get the book.)
I want to thank Philip Levine for his initiative, technical expertise, and good spirit in making this Calendar possible. Every detail on every page had to e thought through, designed, and programmed by Philip as he took my myriad instructions and principles and incarnated them in a form that could e readily reproduced for each individual receiving a Calendar. I also am grateful to Matthew Stelzner for his very helpful counsel in planning and refining the Calendar, and to Stanislav Grof and the late Arne Trettevik for their important roles in the earliest stages of my research in this area over three decades ago. – Richard Tarnas. For more information, relevant essays and interviews, and a schedule of public seminars and lectures, go to
That perception rapidly changed when Grof and I, pursuing research together in the field of consciousness studies and following a suggestion by Arne Trettevik, were surprised to discover an extraordinarily consistent and symbolically nuanced correlation between the timing of individuals’ major psychological transformations and the planetary transits to their natal charts. – Richard Tarnas 66 June/July 2011
How the Auction Works
The art will be displayed at our upcoming meetings with a minimum starting bid each of $10. If you want to bid, mail to NCGR-SAA, 2351 Sunset Blvd, Suite 170-404, Rocklin, CA 95765 or bring to a meeting a sealed envelope with your name, contact information, painting number and bid, or e-mail it to [email protected]. Or fill out an envelope bid at one of our meetings. (Bids will be handled confidentially by the leadership team.) At our annual open house on September 22, 2013, winners of the paintings will be announced and payment due within 30 days.