by NCGRSac | Jan 19, 2024 | News

Our 2024 Meeting Schedule
2024 Key Speakers and Topics
Mark your calendars and stand by for more details!
- January 28 – Armand Diaz with 2024 Overview, 2-4 pm, Online
- February 25 – Lunch and Learn – Local Get Together, 1-3 pm
- March 24 – Gemini Brett: Eclipse Workshop 3:30-6:30 pm, Potluck, Sky Watch 7:30-9:00 pm, In-person
- April 28 – Frank Clifford: Reframing the Scary Stuff – 10 AM -12pm, Online
- May 19 – Lunch and Learn – Local Get Together, 1-3 pm
- June 30 – Michael Lutin: TBA, In-person
- July 28 – Julia Balaz: Galactic Astrology – 10 am -12 pm Online
- August – Summer break
- September 15 – Lunch and Learn – Local Get Together, 1-3 pm
- October 27 – Greg Bogart: Astrology’s Higher Octaves, 11:00 – 1:00 pm, Online
- November 10 – Tony Milner: An Afternoon with Rudhyar, In-person
- December 8 – Holiday Party – Local Get Together, 1-4 pm
by NCGRSac | Jul 9, 2023 | News

Chet Zdrowski, we will miss you.
“Everyone must leave something behind when he dies, my grandfather said. A child or a book or a painting or a house or a wall built of a pair of shoes made. Or a garden planted. Something your hand touches some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die, and when people look at that tree or that flower you planted, you’re there.”
— Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451
It is with deep regret that we share this sad news. On June 6, we lost our very dear friend and colleague, Chet Zdrowski, to a rare and rapidly debilitating brain inflammation disorder. Chet was a founding member of our chapter and served as our Vice president for many years. If something needed to be done, Chet would find a way and was someone we could always count on. He and his wife Karen played key roles in making our chapter what it is today. (more…)
by NCGRSac | Apr 15, 2023 | NCGR, News

Sharing the Love
April membership special for NCGR, join or renew now for savings!
NCGR invites you to Share the Love of Astrology with a very special membership offer.
For the month of April 2023, join at the rates below & enjoy member bonuses!
by NCGRSac | Apr 6, 2020 | Events, FrontPage, News

FREE Webinars in May!
Fortunately, with all that is going on, one thing we have is the ability to meet and learn from home. So, as this social distancing is in effect, we will be following in the footsteps of our sister chapter in San Francisco in offering our next two speakers by webinar and for free!
JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST, if you haven’t already, to receive links to the Zoom event registration pages as they become available!
by NCGRSac | Mar 16, 2020 | Events, News

I’m so sorry to have to make this announcement, but out of an abundance of caution, we’ll be cancelling our meetings for the next couple of months.
From what I’m reading, social distancing seems to be the most effective way of not spreading this Coronavirus. For those of you who have already registered for Marie Schoeppel’s March Lecture, we’ll be refunding your money through PayPal.
Now the good news! Marie Schoeppel is being interviewed by Michael Mercury on his radio show (also streaming live on his website ( this Thursday, March 19, at 2:30 pm, so you can still hear her forecast on where the US economy is going in the next several years. Not enough time to present everything, but it will still be helpful.
And here is the link to her website:
We will be considering setting up a webinar with Oner Doser to replace our April 19th meeting. If any of you are familiar with using Zoom for a webinar, please let me know. We’ll keep you informed if that is something we’ll be able to do by then.
Our Monday Night Astrology Study Group is also cancelled through April.
We’ll miss seeing you in person, but we want everyone to stay safe and healthy so that when we do convene again, we’ll all be none the worse for wear. Who knows, maybe we can set up some online chats on various topics to keep us occupied in our new homebound reality.
Wishing you resilience, good health and the ability to look on the bright side. I just realized, maybe I’ll finally have time to read some of the books I’ve accumulated!
Hugs (or make that elbow bumps) and love to each of you,
Linda Byrd
NCGR Sacramento Area Chapter
by NCGRSac | Aug 11, 2019 | News
Interested in speaking at one of our meetings?

NCGR Sacramento Area is accepting applications for our 2020 schedule!
NCGR Sacramento has become a popular destination for speakers from around the world. We treat our speakers as honored guests and are open to all types of topics. If you come from afar, we often coordinate with San Francisco to make your trip worthwhile.
We meet on the 4th Sundays of the month (except for holidays or as noted otherwise on our schedule) and alternate between afternoon lectures and full day two-part guest speaker events (lecture in the morning, workshop in the afternoon). Our afternoon member share lectures are open to members new to presenting, so, don’t be shy. If you have something to share, please apply! If you aren’t into speaking, but you know of someone who you’d like to hear, feel free to let us know, or forward this to them directly, whichever you prefer.
View 2020 Speakers Guide