President’s Message – Happy Rebirthday!
by NCGRSac | Mar 16, 2011 | Messages, NCGR, News
President’s Message – Happy Rebirthday!
Dear Members and Friends of NCGR-Sacramento Area,
Resurrection and “do-overs”are a strong recurring theme in my life. My natal Pluto squares my Ascendant and Chiron in Scorpio squares Pluto—throw in Jupiter in Scorpio, too. Given these astro-facts, living in the death/rebirth cycle should not be surprising. Yet serving as a midwife at my own rebirths and those of others still brings awe and wonder to me, every time. I have no children, and I realize that in this lifetime, the universe had other plans and creations for me to carry to term. The rebirth of NCGR-Sacramento Area is one of them.
Our astrological organization was originally chartered with NCGR in 1992. NCGR-Sac enjoyed a partnership with Cheshire Rose Books and Information in Fair Oaks Village and the sponsorship of owner Sam Heaton until the bookstore closed in 2003. The organization didn’t survive the loss of its support system… but something important happened because of it. Like dormant seeds in winter, NCGR-Sac gathered energy to burst forth in spring seven years later in perfect synchronicity with the next Saturn cycle.
This happened on the heels of my own resurrection after a hiatus from astrology that closely paralleled NCGR-Sac’s dormant period. In 2009 after thinking I’d never return to public life as an astrologer, a series of cosmic coincidences caused me to launch The Radical Virgo blog—are you ready? On the day after Spring Equinox, the same day NCGR-Sacramento Area would submit its paperwork to recharter the chapter, two years later to the day. Both comebacks were so smooth; it was as if neither of us had ever been gone.
How the two came together: I joined NCGR in August 2010. In September, I attended a lecture and workshop with Rick Tarnas days apart, sponsored by NCGR-San Francisco Bay Area. The events were my birthday present to myself. That’s when I also realized I’m no longer 25. Long drives and learning gigs, no matter how outstanding, need to be spaced farther apart—especially considering the personal energy costs and the costs in dollars! Besides the workshop fees, there was parking, bridge tolls, and meals. I said to myself, There are enough astrologers in Sacramento. They need to come together again. I envisioned presenters doing regional tours with stops in both Sacramento and the Bay Area.
It took less than a month from that epiphany to our first meeting at Planet Earth Rising in Folsom on October 17, 2010. As a practical Virgo, I lost no time. My cosmic tap on the shoulder drafting me for this assignment was met by such warm, loving, and enthusiastic people—nearly 30 of you at our first meeting. All of us had been deprived of astrological community for so long; we were hungry and eager to do whatever it took to bring the sleeping Sac chapter back to life.
Meanwhile, we have pulled together a leadership team—all volunteers, no draftees—that I consider a dream team. I am amazed at the talents and commitment of every member, perhaps most displayed at our offsite in January where we drafted the new by-laws and our mission statement all in one intense and satisfying afternoon. This group has magnetic energy. We already have a full year of programs without even seeking speakers. Thanks to our strong partnership with NCGR-San Francisco Bay Area, word is out and speakers have come to us. Sacramento is re-established as a destination for presenters.
The reborn chapter has all come together like a cosmic symphony. As a Chiron specialist, I am much attuned to the mentor centaur who groomed heroes like Jason, Hercules, and Asclepius. I call my own part in NCGR-Sacramento Area’s resurrection “a Chironic vocational moment.” That’s when who you are and your precise abilities align with a community need. You become a hero by offering your skill set to your tribe just when they need it most. It may not be as high-drama as Greek mythology. Still, this kind of service creates a divine domino effect of good. It not only benefits the community; on a personal level, it’s the fulfillment of the longing we all have to fit in—to give our gifts. Being President of NCGR-Sacramento Area feels like part of my destiny. Thanks to those of you who saw in me that alignment of skills and need. I’m grateful you encouraged me to reconsider after my initial hesitancy to lead when my plate was already so full. Thank you for believing in me and that I could do this work for you. I am honored—and it’s only possible because the dream team is right there with me.
The great part is that this is only the beginning–again. Happy Rebirthday and many Happy Solar Returns to the organization so full of life; a near-death experience only made it stronger.
Happy Spring and New Beginnings,
Sacramento, We Have Take-Off!
by NCGRSac | Oct 18, 2010 | FrontPage, Messages, NCGR
Oct 18, 2010
Sacramento, We Have Take-Off!
Like a shooting star, the collective enthusiasm of over 20 local astrologers and astrology students launched Sacramento Area Astrologers (SAA) on Oct. 17. SAA’s first meeting at Planet Earth Rising in Folsom was facilitated by Joyce Mason, who jokingly calls herself the CEO (Catalyst, Enthusiast, and Organizer). The creation of this group of amazing astro-colleagues went from idea to reality in less than a month.
“I just answered a tap on the shoulder from Spirit,” she said. The meeting minutes are available for those who join the SAA e-mail list.
Joyce said later about the first meeting, “The desire for astrological community has been strong and underground for years since Cheshire Rose Books in Fair Oaks closed in the early 2000s and with it, our local chapter of the National Council of Geocosmic Research (NCGR). Anything that has been underground surfaces stronger and more ready for action.”
And here we are. One thing agreed upon at the meeting was to start this blog and create a hub concept, a central location where information can be accessed about astrology classes, events, and meetings in the greater Sacramento region.
If you have an astrological event, please contact Joyce (info in sidebar) to be included in this blog.
One of the ironies was that the first meeting of SAA coincided with the 43rd anniversary of the opening of the musical Hair: The American Tribal Love Rock Musical. Hair made astrology and “the dawning of the Age of Aquarius” household words. See The Chart of Hair – Why We Should Care for more on how Hair relates to our times and tribe.
Meanwhile, if what we’re doing sounds exciting to you, please join our mailing list and come to a meeting!
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