Presidental and Personal
Chart Interpretation (Pluto*)
Facilitated by Linda Byrd
Sunday, October 28, 2012
1:00-3:00 pm
$5- NCGR/SAA Members
$10 – Nonmembers
Join us for an afternoon of practicing our chart interpretation skills in a safe and friendly group setting. At this month’s meeting, we’ll take a look at the charts of the Presidential candidates. Who appears to be the likely winner from an astrological perspective? How might the fact that Mercury turns Retrograde the day of the election possibly affect the outcome? (Mercury was also Retrograde in 2000, a fact that made the “hanging chads” and other Florida election irregularities not surprising from an astrological perspective.) Which candidate’s chart appears to be most influenced by Mercury’s retrograde motion?
Following the presidential portion of the meeting, we’ll be looking at the chart of one of our members.
IMPORTANT! Chart Interpretation Guidelines. Thank you for becoming familiar with the attached Guidelines for Chart Interpretation Meetings. It is extremely important, especially when looking at personal charts in a group, that we create an atmosphere of safety and non-judgment in helping others learn more about their astrological map. Another key concept is that the owner of the chart is the ultimate authority on what resonates to him or her. These concepts will “go without saying” for many of us, but we’re a group open to the public and individuals vary in their sensitivity to these issues. Thank you for reading the guidelines and following them.
Linda Byrd has been studying Astrology since the mid-80s and has incorporated it into her consulting practice for the past 16 years, both for businesses and personal growth. As a “Certified Dream Coach” – a life coach for the soul – Astrology provides a shortcut, an invaluable map, to discover purpose and hidden sabotaging beliefs. She was with the Aspire Foundation for 10 years, an experiential workshop series based on Astrology, has studied with John Ruskell, Tom Lescher, Maurice Fernandez, and is part of Steven Forrest’s Apprenticeship program. She’s attended the UAC, NORWAC, NCGR, ISAR conferences. She loves astrology and is the current VP of our chapter.
About Chart Interpretation Meetings: Mastery of chart reading skills is where the rubber hits the road, transferring theory to practice in astrology. The Leadership Team felt the addition of this type of meeting in 2012 will serve many purposes:
- Sharpen our skills on what’s important in a chart reading
- Increase our chart synthesis skills
- Increase confidence in our interpretations
- Enjoy the support of others at all ends of the learning spectrum on chart reading in an environment of non-judgment and encouragement
- Get live practice or be the live recipient of pooled astrological knowledge
* In 2012, all meetings will have a planetary theme. Chart readings will focus on this planet and will encompass as many other aspects of the chart as we have time to interpret.
Here’s how it works: Each month, we’ll read two charts–a mundane chart and a personal one. Examples of mundane are any event or personality in the news, charts of cities or countries, etc. Personal chart readings will be limited to people on the NCGR-SAA mailing list. We will limit it to one reading a year per person unless there are unused slots. E-mail Joyce if you would like to propose a mundane topic or have your chart read in the group during any of these meetings in 2012: Feb. 26, June 24, Oct. 28, and Dec. 16. Personal reading slots already are filled, except December. Get your names in early to be on the waiting list, if we do a second personal reading at any of the chart interpretation meetings, or if the first individual scheduled cancels.
Other notes: If there are no mundane suggestions in a given month, we may do two personal chart interpretations. We may also substitute a special guest for one or more of these Chart Interpretation meetings, if the opportunity presents itself.
The Reserves at the Galleria Clubhouse
501 Gibson Drive, Roseville, CA
E-mail [email protected] for Gate Entry Code and More Details
Important Parking Information
Because The Reserves at the Galleria is a gated community, we do not publish the gate code publicly. Please email us for that information: [email protected]. There are only a few guest parking spots the complex, but there are plenty of parking spaces right across the street. Here are pictures and instructions.
More information about our meetings.