Chiron and Vocation: “Getting” Your Calling
and Chart Interpretation (9th house*)
Joyce Mason
Sunday, November 16, 2014, 1:00-3:30 pm
$5- NCGR/SAA Members, $15 – Nonmembers
Lecture Details
We all long to find our true calling, yet vocation eludes many of us. Why? Because finding it may involve facing some pain you’ve been trying to avoid. By working through our lingering Chironic wounds or unclaimed parts of ourselves, we often unlock our truest work of the heart. Try a vocational formula for your Chiron sign, house, and aspects. Hear about how many well-known people have found their highest service by making lemonade out of lemons, a major Chironic concept. Explore what vocation is and how, just as the great mythical teacher Chiron turned out heroes, we can mentor this passion in ourselves. Imagine a world where we each contributed what we what we do best—and what a wonderful world it would be.
Joyce Mason is a seasoned writer, astrologer, and eclectic student of all things spiritual and healing. Besides astrology, some of the other tools in her medicine bag include tarot, dreamwork, and flower essences. For 26 years, she has created and led rituals to celebrate the solstices and equinoxes. Joyce is past president of NCGR-Sacramento Area Astrologers (2010-13).
Her true vocation is sharing healing and wisdom with humor, primarily as a writer and astrologer. By her own term she coined, she’s a PUNC—a Plutonian, Uranian, Neptunian and Chironic person. Given her outerplanetary orientation, she’s not your typical Triple Earth.
Visit Joyce’s astrology blog, The Radical Virgo—or her Writer Joyce Mason website to learn more. The stars are always involved in whatever she does, including the “star” of new her Micki Michaels mystery novels—an astrologer, of course.
Chart Interpretation
Following the presentation on Chiron, we’ll be looking at the chart of one of our members. Join our mailing list to receive more chart details.
IMPORTANT! Chart Interpretation Guidelines. Thank you for becoming familiar with the attached Guidelines for Chart Interpretation Meetings. It is extremely important, especially when looking at personal charts in a group, that we create an atmosphere of safety and non-judgment in helping others learn more about their astrological map. Another key concept is that the owner of the chart is the ultimate authority on what resonates to him or her. These concepts will “go without saying” for many of us, but we’re a group open to the public and individuals vary in their sensitivity to these issues. Thank you for reading the guidelines and following them.
About Chart Interpretation Meetings: Mastery of chart reading skills is where the rubber hits the road, transferring theory to practice in astrology. The Leadership Team feels this type of meeting serves many purposes:
- Sharpen our skills on what’s important in a chart reading
- Increase our chart synthesis skills
- Increase confidence in our interpretations
- Enjoy the support of others at all ends of the learning spectrum on chart reading in an environment of non-judgment and encouragement
- Get live practice or be the live recipient of pooled astrological knowledge
Here’s how it works: Each chart interpretation meeting in 2014 (Feb. 23, April 27 July 27, and Nov. 16) we’ll read a personal chart. Personal chart readings will be limited to people on the NCGR-SAA mailing list. We will limit it to one reading a year per person unless there are unused slots. E-mail us if you would like to have your chart read in the group during a meeting. NOTE: Personal reading slots fill up quickly. But, submit your names to be on the waiting list in case we do a second personal reading at any of the chart interpretation meetings, or if the first individual scheduled cancels.
Other notes: We may also substitute a special guest for one or more of these Chart Interpretation meetings, if the opportunity presents itself.
* In 2014, each meeting will have a featured house for attendee introductions. So, besides your name, you can share (if you like) what planets you have in the house of the month, the sign(s), and anything else of interest in the house. Since we have this valuable tool, it’s a fun way to get to know one another at a deeper level.
The Reserves at the Galleria Clubhouse
501 Gibson Drive, Roseville, CA
E-mail [email protected] for Gate Entry Code and More Details
Important Parking Information
Because The Reserves at the Galleria is a gated community, we do not publish the gate code publicly. Please email us for that information: [email protected]. There are only a few guest parking spots the complex, but there are plenty of parking spaces right across the street. Here are pictures and instructions.
More information about our meetings.