Greg Bogart
Astrology as a Therapeutic Art: Healing Human Relationships
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, September 20, 2020
2 – 4 pm
Astrology is a beacon in the relational sphere, shedding light on patterns of relating, the phases and seasons of relationships, the cyclical changing moods, and the planetary laws of attraction. Knowledge of my own astrological profile and consideration of the natal traits and current challenges of spouses, friends, and family members aids us in creating more emotionally fulfilling and more committed relationships with others. In this presentation we’ll look at examples of how astrological work can aid an individual’s or a couple’s understanding of relational experiences and patterns of behavior. We learn how relationships have been damaged; we envision ways they might be repaired.
Greg Bogart, PhD, MFT, is an astrologer and psychotherapist in Berkeley and El Cerrito, California and teaches at Sonoma State University. His new book, Astrology’s Higher Octaves, has just been published by Ibis Press. He is the author of Astrology and Spiritual Awakening, Planets in Therapy: Predictive Technique and the Art of Counseling, and Astrology and Meditation: The Fearless Contemplation of Change. He is also the author of In the Company of Sages, and Dreamwork in Holistic Psychotherapy of Depression. Greg has been a speaker at many international conferences and is certified as an astrological counselor by ISAR and NCGR. You can contact Greg at 510.594.4329 or [email protected]; www.dawnmountain.com.
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