Rae Sapp
The Power of Pleasure:
Semi-Sextiling our way through the Zodiac
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, November 14, 2021
2 – 4 p.m.
“They say in Boston even Beans do it – so let’s do it— let’s fall in love!”.
Cliches abound in romantic lingo land. One particularly notorious one being: “opposites attract”. However, what is an opposite in astrology? I’ll give you a hint— it is not an opposition!
Oppositions or Opposite signs of the Zodiac, Aries to Libra for example, complete a whole axis as they have the same mode (Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable) and polarity (Yin or Yang) as one another; their only difference being what element (Fire, Earth, Air, or Water) they represent.
Starting with Aries, often considered the beginning of the natural zodiac, and Semi-Sextiling our way around the wheel we see how the 6 axes (or oppositions) each have a pair of “true opposites”. That is two other zodiacal axes that have neither, mode, element, or polarity in common with them.
This New to Crescent phase (semi-sextile) and Gibbous to Full phase (Quincunx) mirrors natures own fertility dynamics and cycles, reminding us to honor the place we hold in this greater web of life.
(Warning: Adult content regarding the human body and sexuality)
Rae Sapp is the new Publisher of The Mountain Astrologer magazine and CEO of Egregore, Inc. She is a second-generation astrologer, but prefers the title “astromancer”— a witch holding space for sacred language play. Aided by her mother, she began studying the art of chart casting and interpretation in early childhood and has been a professional practitioner since 2017. With a BA in Recreation Management and English Language from California Polytechnic State University of San Luis Obispo, she is passionate about psycho-horology, sexology, and narratology. You can find her between the pages of TMA or as the breathing corporal time machine @ thewitchwaycafe.com
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