I’m so sorry to have to make this announcement, but out of an abundance of caution, we’ll be cancelling our meetings for the next couple of months.
From what I’m reading, social distancing seems to be the most effective way of not spreading this Coronavirus. For those of you who have already registered for Marie Schoeppel’s March Lecture, we’ll be refunding your money through PayPal.
Now the good news! Marie Schoeppel is being interviewed by Michael Mercury on his radio show (also streaming live on his website (https://mercuryminute.com/radio/zen-astrology-mercury-radio-show) this Thursday, March 19, at 2:30 pm, so you can still hear her forecast on where the US economy is going in the next several years. Not enough time to present everything, but it will still be helpful.
And here is the link to her website: https://www.globaltrendscycles.com.
We will be considering setting up a webinar with Oner Doser to replace our April 19th meeting. If any of you are familiar with using Zoom for a webinar, please let me know. We’ll keep you informed if that is something we’ll be able to do by then.
Our Monday Night Astrology Study Group is also cancelled through April.
We’ll miss seeing you in person, but we want everyone to stay safe and healthy so that when we do convene again, we’ll all be none the worse for wear. Who knows, maybe we can set up some online chats on various topics to keep us occupied in our new homebound reality.
Wishing you resilience, good health and the ability to look on the bright side. I just realized, maybe I’ll finally have time to read some of the books I’ve accumulated!
Hugs (or make that elbow bumps) and love to each of you,
Linda Byrd
NCGR Sacramento Area Chapter