For those who missed this great presentation, we wanted to make a recording available so you can have a second chance. Just donate below and send us an email requesting the link to the recording. 

Mychal A. Bryan

Classical Natal Astrology Demonstration

(Original presentation: Sunday, August 27, 2023)
Our natal chart is an astrological index of all of the concrete events that will occur within our lives. Mychal will read the natal chart of a member in the audience to show you the outline of how to give an event-based natal reading. You’ll learn how to concretely see and interpret the major event-structures that directly shape the soul and psyche of an individual.

Mychal A. Bryan is a Bahamian-Jamaican astrologer, journalist, and clinical hypnotherapist, specializing in hypnotic dreamwork. He is the founder of Oraculos School of Astrology (OSA), where he offers a rigorous training program in concrete, event-based astrology. He practices Renaissance and Uranian Astrology in his client work, focusing largely on predictive and medical astrology research. Within his healing practice, Mychal is also a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT) and Jikiden Reiki teacher. An avid student of the Western mystery tradition, he is entrenched in the world of Jewish mysticism, hermeticism, alchemy, geomancy, and the Qabalistic Tarot. To study with Mychal, visit:

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