May 23 – Webinar – Kathy Rose: All About Venus

Kathy Rose



Kathy Rose

All About Venus:
A deep dive into harmony and grace

Stay at Home Webinar

Sunday, May 23, 2021
2 – 4 p.m. 


Before focusing on the sign in which Venus appears in the natal, it’s extremely helpful to truly understand the frequency, function, and form of the planet itself. It’s also quite revealing to see the special emphasis natal Venus Retrograde holds for certain life-purpose issues.  

Kathy Rose will share case examples of clients with this planet highly emphasized in their horoscopes and are essentially keyed to the frequency of Venusian behavior. Venus-dominated horoscopes present particular strengths, but also identifiable vulnerabilities. All this will be explored from a therapeutic viewpoint.

For 37 years Kathy Rose has been a full-time consulting astrologer, lecturer and teacher with a thriving international practice. She brings an intuitive and therapeutic approach to consultations. A highest-honors graduate of Noel Tyl’s Masters Course, Kathy is frequently published in The Mountain Astrologer and maintains a popular YouTube channel. She hosts and teaches the Empowered Astrology Conference annually in DC and has lectured at Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research & Enlightenment, SOTA, NCGR, ISAR, and many local chapters. 757-630-0834,


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In order for us to continue our webinars, we’d greatly appreciate a donation of $10-20 if you possibly can afford it. Thank you! (You can select which event you would like to apply the donation to or make it a general donation. You will still need to click the registration link above to register for the event.) 

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March 28 – Webinar – Maurice Fernandez: Chiron: of Mastery and Humility

Maurice Fernandez

Maurice Fernandez

Chiron: of Mastery and Humility

Stay at Home Webinar

Sunday, March 28, 2021
2 – 4 p.m. 


Since its discovery in 1977, the centaur Chiron has fascinated astrologers and many books were subsequently released on the subject, with the common reference of Chiron as the “wounded healer.” Maurice will take the study to a new direction and explore the complex dynamics involving this peculiar body, positioning Chiron in different houses and signs.

Maurice Fernandez, author of the books Neptune, the 12th House and Pisces (New Edition), and Astrology and the Evolution of Consciousness—Volume One, is a leading Evolutionary Astrology counselor and teacher, currently based in Arizona. Maurice served for three terms as the president The Organization of Professional Astrology (OPA) – 2014-2020. He has organized multiple Astrology conferences across the world, and currently directs a professional diploma program, supporting and shaping a future generation of astrologers. Facebook:


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In order for us to continue our webinars, we’d greatly appreciate a donation of $10-20 if you possibly can afford it. Thank you!
(You can select which event you would like to apply the donation to or make it a general donation. You will still need to click the registration link above to register for the event.) 

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April 18 – Webinar – David Perloff: Sabian Symbols

David Perloff

David Perloff

The Origin and Applications of the Sabian Symbols

Stay at Home Webinar

Sunday, April 18, 2021
2 – 4 p.m. 


The Sabian Symbols were brought forth in 1925 in San Diego’s Balboa Park via astrologer Marc Edmund Jones and his student, Elsie Wheeler. We’ll look at the history of the symbols, how they were further developed by Jones and Dane Rudhyar, and how they are used today. We’ll examine the resonance between the Sabian Symbols and the natal charts of famous people, the charts of countries, as well as historical events. We’ll also look at the Sabian Symbols as a horary tool, as an aid to chart rectification, and more.

David Perloff is a professional astrologer, with clients around the world. He has given astrology talks throughout the United States and internationally, most recently (pre-COVID) in Portugal, Italy, and Canada. David’s writing has appeared in The Mountain Astrologer, Dell Horoscope Magazine, Geocosmic Journal, and other publications. His web site is


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In order for us to continue our webinars, we’d greatly appreciate a donation of $10-20 if you possibly can afford it. Thank you!
(You can select which event you would like to apply the donation to or make it a general donation. You will still need to click the registration link above to register for the event.) 

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February 28 – Webinar – Christeen Skinner: Navigating Cosmic Seas: 2021-2026

 Christeen Skinner

Christeen Skinner

Navigating Cosmic Seas: 2021-2026

Stay at Home Webinar

Sunday, February 28, 2021
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 


In the years leading into the unique alignment of Saturn and Neptune on the World Axis, many of the outer planets (including some from the Kuiper Belt) change signs. The global financial boat is sure to be rocked. Do you have a lifeboat ready? How can you prepare? This talk looks at the exciting time ahead and ponders how best we can enjoy swimming through these as yet unchartered waters.

Christeen Skinner D.F.Astrol S., FRSA is Director of Cityscopes London. She taught for the Faculty of Astrological Studies, was Chair of the Astrological Association of Great Britain, and is a Trustee of the Urania Trust and a Director of the Alexandria I-base Library . She has spoken at many major conferences (UAC, AA, NCGR and ISAR) and is author of ‘Exploring the Financial Universe’, ‘The Beginner’s Guide to Financial Astrology’ and ‘Navigating the Financial Universe’. In 2019 she received the Charles Harvey Award for services to astrology. Christeen is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Website: 


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After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

In order for us to continue our webinars, we’d greatly appreciate a donation of $10-20 if you possibly can afford it. Thank you!

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