March 2012: Tools of Western Tradition

Tarot Wheel
The Tools of Western Tradition
Member Share: David Kinkaid
Sunday, March 25, 2012
1:00-3:30 pm
The Reserves at the Galleria Clubhouse
501 Gibson Drive, Roseville, CA
$5 NCGR members, $10 non-members
The ancient Sumerians created the Zodiac, and they used a certain technique that is still visible today. The important question is how they did it—a question this presentation will answer.
The same people then created the Major Arcana of the Tarot, again using the same technique. Much later, the Jews inherited knowledge from the Chaldeans, who got it from the Sumerian, and with that information, they constructed the Kabbalah.
The story doesn’t end there. This knowledge spread out across the ancient world and created other forms still used today. Learn about the history and interrelatedness of these forms of divination and guidance.

David Kincaid
David Kincaid is a member of NCGR and began his astrological journey in 1964 when he found his first serious book, Dane Rudhyar’s The Astrology of Personality. “I spent the next two years reading the first half of that book. It formed my understanding. I’ve never had a teacher beyond the basics, my learning was from within. Gaining my present understanding required a forty-year contemplation of the possible relationship between the Zodiac, the Major Arcana, and the Chakra system. Now I understand how this system works and what gave rise to all of it. That will be the subject of this talk.” David can be reached at [email protected].
This Month’s Featured Planet: MARS