May 3 – FREE WEBINAR (rescheduled) – Öner Döşer: Hints on Solar Return Charts

Öner Döşer
Hints on
Solar Return Charts
Sunday, May 3, 2020
11 am – 1 pm, Pacific time
Solar Return charts may be considered annually and they are one of the most reliable techniques for the prediction of annual events in the native’s life. This technique, which was used by the masters of Traditional Astrology and elevated by French astrologer Jean Baptiste Morin, is still used today. A Solar Return chart provides us specific information for each new year of our life, gives us information on our situation regarding where we live as well as if we were to move to another place. It also works with Electional Astrology and Astrolocality. In this presentation, Öner Döşer will introduce this technique, which also works with Transits, Profections and Lunar Returns, and provide examples with sample charts.
Öner Döşer, the founder of AstroArt School of Astrology, School of Astrology Publishing, and Astrology Television on the internet, is an astrology consultant, author and lecturer. His studies represent an important trend in contemporary astrology: the blending of traditional and modern techniques and approaches. He is the writer and co-writer of 25 books, 9 of which have been translated into English. In order to increase knowledge of astrology in Turkey, he organized an annual event named International Astrology Days where well-known astrologers from different countries are invited to speak to astrology students and astrology lovers in Turkey since 2012. Öner has trained over 1400 students, and as of 2016 AstroArt School of Astrology (ASA) has been added to the approved school lists of APAI and ISAR. Öner is an OPA Certified Professional Astrologer and also certified through ISAR Cap, is the Turkish Satellite representative of OPA and a member of APAI.
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