April 18 – Webinar – David Perloff: Sabian Symbols

David Perloff
The Origin and Applications of the Sabian Symbols
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, April 18, 2021
2 – 4 p.m.
The Sabian Symbols were brought forth in 1925 in San Diego’s Balboa Park via astrologer Marc Edmund Jones and his student, Elsie Wheeler. We’ll look at the history of the symbols, how they were further developed by Jones and Dane Rudhyar, and how they are used today. We’ll examine the resonance between the Sabian Symbols and the natal charts of famous people, the charts of countries, as well as historical events. We’ll also look at the Sabian Symbols as a horary tool, as an aid to chart rectification, and more.
David Perloff is a professional astrologer, with clients around the world. He has given astrology talks throughout the United States and internationally, most recently (pre-COVID) in Portugal, Italy, and Canada. David’s writing has appeared in The Mountain Astrologer, Dell Horoscope Magazine, Geocosmic Journal, and other publications. His web site is davidperloffastrology.com
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