December 16: Special Bonus Webinar – The Great Conjunction of 2020

Barbara Ybarra
The Great Conjunction of 2020
Special Bonus ZOOM Webinar
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. PST
Astrologer Barbara Ybarra has offered a special presentation on the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of 2020 for those who just can’t get enough of it! This presentation will bring in the peculiarities that mark this event as a cosmological wonder, offering evidence that this conjunction heralds the Age of Aquarius in the same way that the Great Conjunction of 7BC (the Star of Bethlehem) was the herald for the Age of Pisces. In addition, an even greater conjunction of our Winter Solstice aligning currently with Galactic Center has brought the four Royal Stars into position that now coincides with our new seasonal ingresses. Join us for this compelling presentation, ample question time, and hopefully lively conversation!
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