June 27 – Webinar – Larry Landis, Astrology: The Breath of Life

Larry Landis
Astrology: The Breath of Life
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, June 27, 2021
2 – 4 p.m.
Our cosmos is alive and breaths through the universal concept of Yin/Yang. Astrology provides a means to access and participate with this respiration process. For years, Larry has been using his Gemini Mercury/South Node tools to gather information from various fields, including science, astrology, shamanism and numerology to understand this process and combine it all into a Sagittarian North Node theory.
Larry Landis has been studying astrology since the early 1990’s, when he happened upon Linda Goodman’s “Love Signs”. After years of self-study, he began his formal study under Tom Lescher (Kaypacha) and then completed Level Two of Steven Forrest’s Astrological Apprenticeship Program. Larry is an active member and treasurer of NCGR-Sacramento Area.
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In order for us to continue our webinars, we’d greatly appreciate a donation of $10-20 if you possibly can afford it. Thank you! (You can select which event you would like to apply the donation to or make it a general donation. You will still need to click the registration link above to register for the event.)