January 24 – Webinar – Faye Blake-Cossar: Time to Be Yourself

Faye Blake-Cossar
Time to Be Yourself
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, January 24, 2021
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Faye’s webinar will discuss using the horoscope to put ‘the real you’ out there. What would you really love to do? And what are your talents? Many people have time to think about this now due to the corona virus. It is a time to be brave and dare to go for your real calling. Faye will offer examples from her practice and will also cover:
- How to write a resume or linked in profile
- Ideas for colours for your website
And for practicing astrologers (or to help your clients)
- How to discover the best services you can offer and the type of clients that suit you
Faye covers this in her book ‘Vocational Astrology: finding the Right Career Direction’, and in this session she will use case examples to illustrate her ideas. If there is time she will take live questions so that you can see her work in practice.
Faye Blake-Cossar lives and works in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, as an astrologer, a business consultant, a therapist, a writer and a teacher. She has a background that enables her to offer many different services to international clients anywhere and she has many and varied roles. This site focuses on those roles and her experience. Learn about Faye’s book at: www.fayesbook.co.uk. Find out more about Faye at her website https://www.fayeblake.nl/. Contact: [email protected]
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In order for us to continue our webinars, we’d greatly appreciate a donation of $10-20 if you possibly can afford it. Thank you!