Michelle Gould
Secondary Progressions: The Lotus Unfolds
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, May 22, 2022
2 – 4 p.m.
Join me in exploring the riches of secondary progressions and how they can help you time developmental shifts and provide insight into your life journey. We’ll start with an overview and then we’ll take a deep dive into the timing of your unfolding. Learn how to create your own personal road map using progressions: appreciate the distance you’ve come, take stock of the current juncture, and anticipate the road you’ve yet to travel. Note: Bring an ephemeris for the year of your birth to learn how to understand progressions without the help of a computer
Michelle Gould is a consulting astrologer who has been using astrology to support and empower others for over 20 years. In 2006, she earned a four-year TACC diploma at the Avalon School of Astrology, where she later taught as an instructor. She serves on the board for Avalon, served for eight years on the ISAR board, and was a founding member of the Association of Young Astrologers (AYA), a nonprofit organization advocating for young persons in astrology. Currently, she serves as chair of ethics of CAPISAR and chairs the Education Committee for the IAEA, an organization that seeks to educate astrologers and their clients on ethics in astrology. A sought-after speaker at national and international conferences, she enjoys discovering new ways to integrate the best of modern and ancient techniques in her client work. She lives in Gainesville, FL, with her partner and their three rambunctious mutts. Visit her website HeavenlyWriting.com.
Payment (Step 1) and Registration (Step 2)
Step 1: Payment
NCGR Members: $10 – Non-Members: $15
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We wish to thank all of you who made donations during the pandemic “lockdown” period. You made it possible for us to offer our presentations for free, but who’d have imagined it would last for so long? Over time our donations have dwindled and so we find it necessary to start charging a small fee in order to continue to bring you top quality speakers. Starting in 2022, our fees are $10 for members and $15 for non-members. (As always, scholarships are available and donations are appreciated.)