Faye Blake
2023 – Another of Those Years!
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, January 22, 2023
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
We are all aware that Pluto will change sign in 2023, a major astrological event. Not only that, but Saturn will change sign too. Much has been written on these themes already, however it is good, at the beginning of the year, to focus on how we can make the most of these changes. Faye will focus particularly on what Pluto’s change could mean for your personal development using a guided imagery exercise. Because of Faye’s research on Ceres, she will also discuss which planets Ceres will meet in 2023. How can we use her to help the progression of women’s rights, and all other rights, including animals? And what about democracy and the environment. Ceres has a lot to say about these topical issues. So bring your charts with Ceres included.
New Zealand born Faye Blake is founder of the Amsterdam School of Astrology. She is a therapist and business consultant, holds an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, and has spoken often at major international conferences. Her book, Vocational Astrology, offers acclaimed expertise on career guidance and personal branding using astrology. It forms the basis of her tailor-made Vocational Apprenticeship program. Faye has been studying Ceres since her upgrade in 2006. A four-part lecture series on Ceres is available — details on her ASA site, along with some free resources. Her free blog is on fayeblake.nl. Ceres is often featured in her monthly posts. Learn more at: www.fayeblake.nl or www.asastrology.nl
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NCGR Members: $10 – Non-Members: $15
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IMPORTANT: If after completing Step 2 you don’t receive an email with a meeting link immediately from Zoom, let us know right away. We cannot be responsible if the registration process was not completed.
All meeting times are in Pacific Time. We wish to thank all of you who made donations during the pandemic “lockdown” period. You made it possible for us to offer our presentations for free, but who’d have imagined it would last for so long? We continue to bring you top quality speakers and our fees are now $10 for members and $15 for non-members. (As always, scholarships are available and donations are appreciated.)