Mychal A. Bryan
Classical Natal Astrology Demonstration
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, August 27, 2023
2 – 4 pm, PDT
Mychal A. Bryan is a Bahamian-Jamaican astrologer, journalist, and clinical hypnotherapist, specializing in hypnotic dreamwork. He is the founder of Oraculos School of Astrology (OSA), where he offers a rigorous training program in concrete, event-based astrology. He practices Renaissance and Uranian Astrology in his client work, focusing largely on predictive and medical astrology research. Within his healing practice, Mychal is also a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT) and Jikiden Reiki teacher. An avid student of the Western mystery tradition, he is entrenched in the world of Jewish mysticism, hermeticism, alchemy, geomancy, and the Qabalistic Tarot. To study with Mychal, visit: www.OraculosAstrology.com
Payment (Step 1) and Zoom Registration (Step 2)
Step 1: Payment
NCGR Members: $10 – Non-Members: $15
After payment, you will see a link for STEP 2: Zoom Registration. (You may need to scroll the page especially if you are on a phone.)
YOU MUST COMPLETE STEP 2 to at Zoom finalize your registration and receive the link to the meeting.
IMPORTANT: If after completing Step 2 you don’t receive an email with a meeting link immediately from Zoom, let us know right away. We cannot be responsible if the registration process was not completed.
All meeting times are in Pacific Time. We wish to thank all of you who made donations during the pandemic “lockdown” period. You made it possible for us to offer our presentations for free, but who’d have imagined it would last for so long? We continue to bring you top quality speakers and our fees are now $10 for members and $15 for non-members. (As always, scholarships are available and donations are appreciated.)