Jessica Murray



Jessica Murray

Personal and Transpersonal Planets Together

Stay at Home Webinar 

Sunday, March 27, 2022
2 – 4 p.m.

The three outer planets have the potential to transform the personal planets, for good or ill, depending on our understanding of them. When Uranus, Neptune and Pltuo aspect the planets closest to the Sun, either at birth or by transit, the result is an extreme situation. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars break through the boundaries of their textbook definitions. A relatively knowable part of the self becomes a powerful vehicle for something far less familiar, perhaps uncomfortably urgent, but potentially ingenious. In this talk we will look at how the inner planets become transpersonalized when in major aspect to the mysterious outer three.

Jessica Murray has been practicing astrology in San Francisco for 45 years. After graduating from Brown University in psychology, fine arts and linguistics, Jessica toured with a political theatre before moving west in 1975, where a study of Carl Jung led her to astrology. Her website,, offers topical blogs, a monthly SkyWatch, lectures and webinars. She teaches online at Astrology University and is a frequent contributor to The Mountain Astrologer. Her books include Soul-Sick Nation, At the Crossroads and the anthology Transpersonal Astrology.

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NCGR Members: $10 – Non-Members: $15

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We wish to thank all of you who made donations during the pandemic “lockdown” period. You made it possible for us to offer our presentations for free, but who’d have imagined it would last for so long? Over time our donations have dwindled and so we find it necessary to start charging a small fee in order to continue to bring you top quality speakers. Starting in 2022, our fees are $10 for members and $15 for non-members. (As always, scholarships are available and donations are appreciated.)  

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