Anthony L. Milner

Antony L. Milner

Cycles of Being

The cyclic experience— in the biosphere, personal space-time, and the unfolding resonance of planetary cycles

Sunday, November 10, 2024 1-4 pm

In-person event at Cooperative Extension 4145 Branch Center Rd, Sacramento, CA 95827

At the foundation of any holistic approach to astrology is the experience of relatedness between macrocosm and microcosm—between cycles of planetary motion and the unfoldment of individual consciousness. As Dane Rudhyar states. “Astrology is philosophically meaningless unless it rests on a thorough understanding of cycles and the creative potency of every moment.” In this workshop we will revisit Rudhyar’s foundational ideas of cyclicity, and the associated concepts of wholes in time and space, and the “self” centered astrological mandala as a means to reveal personal resonance with astrological archetypes. 

In the second half of this workshop, we will have some hands-on practical applications and shared insights using the Phase Mandala and other cycle mapping tools designed by the speaker.

These tools can be accessed here*. * Note: The link to this online folder will contain the relevant media closer to the date of the workshop.

To complement the presentation, audio selections from Rudhyar’s recorded lectures, readings and music are included.

Following the workshop, we plan to take Tony out to dinner at a nearby restaurant and attendees are most welcome to join us! 

Antony L. Milner left England and came to the US fifty years ago. Having studied astrology through the British Astrological Association, he came to America to attend the 1974 conference of the American Federation of Astrologers in San Francisco where Dane Rudhyar was the keynote speaker. In the following year Tony collaborated with Michael R. Meyer on a series of workshops on cyclicity and phase-oriented astrology. Having decided to make northern California his home, he went on to assist Rudhyar and collaborate with his wife Leyla Hill while living in Palo Alto. During this time, he compiled and edited Rudhyar’s taped lectures in addition to recording Rudhyar reading from his works. Antony had previously pursued a career in design in London. He came to believe that living a double life was appropriate for himself—as a Gemini. And, in fact, Rudhyar encouraged him to do exactly that, namely, returning to his agency work as a creative director, and later as an executive in the world of business—all the while maintaining an active participation in astrology.

He was reintroduced to NCGR through his collaboration with the late, and dearly missed,
Chet Zdrowski with whom he was compiling a digital archive of over a thousand magazine articles Rudhyar wrote.

Now retired and living in the foothills of the Crystal range of the Sierra mountains, he pursues his astrological interests and is supporting Leyla Hill in the archiving of Rudhyar’s published and unpublished literary materials and related ephemera.    

Tony is delighted to have the opportunity to share his experiences with his NCGR-Sacramento colleagues and other welcome visitors.

Preregister now…

Cycles of Being: The cyclic experience in the biosphere, personal space-time, and the unfolding resonance of planetary cycles.

NCGR Members: $35, Non-Members: $50

November 2024 Meeting | Choose Member or Non-Member below.


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