Second Organizational Meeting
Nov. 21, 2010
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Planet Earth Rising, Folsom
Besides our fantastic October 17 kick-off meeting, much has gone on behind the scenes in past weeks, adding ingredients to keep this group on the fast track toward gelling. The Taurus Full Moon is a perfect time to get down to earth on nitty-gritty questions like how we finance our operations, who will be in charge in the year to come, our organizational structure and whether or not we affiliate with the National Council on Geocosmic Research (NCGR). We already have offers from two top astrologers from California and England to present programs in 2011, as early as January.
It’s not all work and no play, which would make us dull astrologers. We’ll be brainstorming names for our new “baby” astrology association and planning the December Winter Solstice party.
If it appeals to you to be in on the ground floor of a group of eager, enthusiastic and knowledge-hungry star people, join us at our next meeting. Contact Joyce for more information.