The comet commonly known as the “wounded healer” is so much more. As humanity evolves—in consciousness and technology—our collective mythology and cosmology must surely expand along with it. This explains the late-20th- and early-21st-century explosion of discoveries of exo planets and Kuiper Belt objects. We’re still at the starting gate of our understanding of these objects’ significance for life on earth, but there are emerging themes, the primary and arguably most urgent related to do with healing: our mindbodies and generational wounds, and Gaia herself.
As the “wisest and most just” of the Centaurs as well as a legendary teacher and healer, Chiron holds a special place not only in the pantheon but in modern astrology. His orbit swings between Saturn, lord of time and the material world, and the outer planets, who invite us to experience more etheric states of consciousness.
We will consider how the ancient mythology connects to the 21st-century zeitgeist, learn a little astronomy (those eccentric orbits!), and then plug in Chironic themes and explore the range of possibilities for each sign, house, major aspect and transit and, hopefully, come away with more compassion for our fellow humans and a renewed commitment to taking responsibility for our lives, relationships and personal healing journeys.
Since its discovery in 1977, the centaur Chiron has fascinated astrologers and many books were subsequently released on the subject, with the common reference of Chiron as the “wounded healer.” Maurice will take the study to a new direction and explore the complex dynamics involving this peculiar body, positioning Chiron in different houses and signs.
Maurice Fernandez, author of the books Neptune, the 12th House and Pisces (New Edition), and Astrology and the Evolution of Consciousness—Volume One, is a leading Evolutionary Astrology counselor and teacher, currently based in Arizona. Maurice served for three terms as the president The Organization of Professional Astrology (OPA) – 2014-2020. He has organized multiple Astrology conferences across the world, and currently directs a professional diploma program, supporting and shaping a future generation of astrologers. www.mauricefernandez.comFacebook:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
In order for us to continue our webinars, we’d greatly appreciate a donation of $10-20 if you possibly can afford it. Thank you! (You can select which event you would like to apply the donation to or make it a general donation. You will still need to click the registration link above to register for the event.)
Vocational Astrology:
Opening Doors to Fulfilling Work
Aubrie De Clerck
April 24, 2016 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
LOCATION CHANGE for this event: Due to the renovations on our clubhouse not yet being complete, we will be meeting at the Rocklin Library, 4890 Granite Drive, Rocklin Map
Featured Sign: Taurus
While many of us may wish to be happy and successful at work, what we really want is to be confident: confident that no matter what work offers up – success or failure, happiness or disappointment, recognition or indifference – we can unshakably rely on ourselves to be self-assured, and at our ease. – Michael Carroll
Let astrology open doors to more fulfilling work! We will explore how the stars unlock a wealth of information about your unique talents and needs, guiding you to more ease and confidence in your career. Come connect to your intuition and identify your next steps – leave with a practical model you can apply now, and use for the rest of your life. Expect an interactive session that includes self-reflection and small group work.
Aubrie De Clerck helps people open doors to fulfilling work by bridging her two favorite tools – astrology & career coaching – in a highly inspirational and deeply practical way. Aubrie currently teaches at the Portland School of Astrology and is proud to have completed an apprenticeship with Emily Trinkaus in 2011. As a career coach, she has over 10 years experience in corporate, non-profit and education environments and is a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation. Aubrie enjoys working full time in her private practice, Coaching for Clarity, in Portland, OR, meeting with clients from around the world. Contact: [email protected], 503.810.2907
Pre-registration price: $15 NCGR members, $25 non-members (available through April 17) Price at the door: $20 NCGR members, $30 non-members
Join us for dinner afterwards at a local restaurant.
Advanced registration is closed for this event. Seats are available at the door. We hope to see you there!
Preregistration is important for this event, as space is limited.
Preregistration with prepayment must be received one week prior to the event. After that, only the pay at the door price is available, space permitting. Contact us at [email protected] for updates on seats available. You may also pay by check made out to NCGR-Sacramento Area. Mail to 2351 Sunset Blvd., Suite 170-404, Rocklin, CA 95765. Your check must be received no later than Saturday, one week before the event.
Refund Policy for Lectures/Workshops
There will be NO CASH REFUNDS offered for workshop or lecture preregistrations
If the leadership team is advised at least 24 hours prior to the event that a registrant will not be able to attend the event, the registrant will be offered the choice of transferring the payment to one of these options:(a) a future NCGR Sacramento Area event; OR,(b) membership in NCGR Sacramento Area
Please notify us at [email protected] if you will be unable to attend. The email stamp will be used to determine the time of notification. If you are unable to notify us by email, please call (916)276-1858.
LOCATION CHANGE for this event: Due to the renovations on our clubhouse not yet being complete, we will be meeting at the Rocklin Library, 4890 Granite Drive, Rocklin Map
I actually missed this wonderful workshop facilitated by Celeste Brookes in February due to a family commitment I had. I just know that there was some awesome learning going on, and some helpful Lunar planning now in place for all of the attendees that day. Thank you so much, Celeste for your great energy and time! ... See MoreSee Less
Please join us for this live workshop! Go to our website to see details on cost and registration. This is a perfect opportunity to do something personal for yourself! Like going to a lunar spa! ... See MoreSee Less
It was wonderful to get together for our yearly Winter Sostice celebration for a luncheon. As usual, the time slipped by way too fast, and this year we somehow skipped our main ceremony, which was the sacred calling in of the four directions, led by Mariscela Alvarez and Theodore Upton. Still, I'm sure we were blessed because we all loved being together for this meaningful event. Thank you to Samantha Morgan, our new treasurer, for counting all the money and taking all the photos! ... See MoreSee Less
Please join us for a Stay-at-Home webinar in January with astrologer Rose Marcus from Vancouver, Canada. Rose is an Evolutionary Astrologer who has co-founded the Soul-Wise School of Evolutionary Astrology, written many articles, published a book on Evolutionary Astrology, and much much more. On Sunday, January 26, she will lecture on the exciting Ingress movements of Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus into new zodiac signs, as Pluto now firmly moves along in Aquarius. Please preregister on our website for this great lecture. ... See MoreSee Less