October 27 – Greg Bogart with Pre-Election Astrological Soul Search


Greg Bogart

Pre-Election Astrological Soul Search

Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, October 27, 2024
2-4 pm

In light of all things election, we have a timely topic change for Greg’s talk! 

In our current exciting, unsettled times, astrology is a beacon through the darkness, showing each person the tasks that are pressing at this moment and the direction we elect for our own lives. Today we’ll look at transits for the coming months and year and imagine the possibilities of four outer planets changing signs, as well as the current Jupiter–Saturn square. For a spiritual tune-up we’ll consider a few inspirational passages from the work of Dane Rudhyar, in honor of his Jupiter return and Saturn and Neptune conjunct his natal Sun in 2025. We’ll look at the charts of presidential candidates for whatever insights we can glean. Greg will also encapsulate the message of his recent books, Astrology’s Higher Octaves and Astrology as a Therapeutic Art: Healing Human Relationships.
