April 2013: Mark Dodich – Mercury Retrograde
Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde
Sunday, April 28, 2013
1:00-3:30 pm
Lecture Details
When astrologers want to prove that astrology works to non-astrologers, it is common practice to have them watch personal and global events during the next Mercury Retrograde cycle. This is an effective real life demonstration, but it can have a negative result. “Oh no, not another Mercury Retrograde!” is a common reaction. But there is so much more to Mercury than your car or computer giving you anxiety attacks.
Join us to learn about taking advantage of Mercury retrograde. We shall look at shadow periods, connections between the three retrograde each year, its effect on individual & business natal charts, and much more. Because Mark never passes up a chance to bring esoteric astrology into his talks, we shall also look at the higher, spiritual vibration of Mercury and this year’s retrograde cycles. Mark has Virgo rising, so you are certain to take home useful information.
Mark Dodich has been a professional astrologer and intuitive counselor since 1980. His New Year’s Astrology talk in Portland typically brings in 150 people, bringing in a wide mixture ranging from non-astrologers to professionals. He is regularly seen and heard in the media, and has a busy international practice based in Portland, Oregon. Mark specializes in Relocation Astrology and spiritual purpose Seven Ray Esoteric Astrology consultations. He leads metaphysical tours to sacred places with Turkey coming up in spring 2014. Check out his full bio at www.astromark.us or call for a newsletter 503-252-1558, [email protected]. Download and read Mark’s Spring 2013 newsletter full of information including workshops in Shingle Springs on April 26 and 27.
* In 2013, all meetings will have a zodiac sign theme. Group chart interpretations will focus on this sign and will encompass as many other aspects of the chart as we have time to discuss. (more…)