October 2012: Chart Interpretation
Presidental and Personal
Chart Interpretation (Pluto*)
Facilitated by Linda Byrd
Sunday, October 28, 2012
1:00-3:00 pm
$5- NCGR/SAA Members
$10 – Nonmembers
Join us for an afternoon of practicing our chart interpretation skills in a safe and friendly group setting. At this month’s meeting, we’ll take a look at the charts of the Presidential candidates. Who appears to be the likely winner from an astrological perspective? How might the fact that Mercury turns Retrograde the day of the election possibly affect the outcome? (Mercury was also Retrograde in 2000, a fact that made the “hanging chads” and other Florida election irregularities not surprising from an astrological perspective.) Which candidate’s chart appears to be most influenced by Mercury’s retrograde motion? (more…)