March 2013: Nick Dagan Best – Uranus
What’s Up, Uranus?
Following the Yellow Brick Tropical Zodiac
Sunday, March 24, 2013 – 1:00-3:30 pm
Pre-registration price: $20 NCGR members, $30 non-members (thru March 17)
Price at the door: $25 NCGR members, $35 non-members
Lecture Details
Highly fitting for this week’s Sun-Venus-Uranus conjunction in Aries, What’s Up, Uranus?, based on material from an upcoming book, is a look at the transit of Uranus through the twelve tropical signs over the last two centuries, focusing on biographical studies of various notable people and their respective Uranus conjunction and opposition transits to the natal Sun and/or Moon. The talk also includes a close study of key people and events during previous transits of Uranus through tropical Aries. If this story was The Wizard of Oz, then you might say Uranus is Dorothy and the tropical zodiac is a sort-of perpetual yellow brick road, replete with an overlapping series of adventures and challenges.

Nick Dagan Best
Nick Dagan Best is a Montreal-based astrologer, researcher, speaker, and writer. Known as “the human ephemeris,” Nick’s extensive research correlating historical events with astrological phenomena draws from his database of over 30,000 event charts. He has given presentations for numerous regional astrology associations across the U.S., and at conferences such as NORWAC (2005, 2006), The Blast (2007), SOTA (2011), and UAC (2008, 2012). Nick is launching a new website soon at and a new book, “UranU.S.A.” in mid-February, 2013. He can be reached at [email protected].