by NCGRSac | Dec 22, 2020 | Events

Christeen Skinner
Navigating Cosmic Seas: 2021-2026
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, February 28, 2021
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
In the years leading into the unique alignment of Saturn and Neptune on the World Axis, many of the outer planets (including some from the Kuiper Belt) change signs. The global financial boat is sure to be rocked. Do you have a lifeboat ready? How can you prepare? This talk looks at the exciting time ahead and ponders how best we can enjoy swimming through these as yet unchartered waters.
Christeen Skinner D.F.Astrol S., FRSA is Director of Cityscopes London. She taught for the Faculty of Astrological Studies, was Chair of the Astrological Association of Great Britain, and is a Trustee of the Urania Trust and a Director of the Alexandria I-base Library . She has spoken at many major conferences (UAC, AA, NCGR and ISAR) and is author of ‘Exploring the Financial Universe’, ‘The Beginner’s Guide to Financial Astrology’ and ‘Navigating the Financial Universe’. In 2019 she received the Charles Harvey Award for services to astrology. Christeen is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Website:
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In order for us to continue our webinars, we’d greatly appreciate a donation of $10-20 if you possibly can afford it. Thank you!
by NCGRSac | Mar 27, 2017 | Events, Meetings

Lecture and Workshop Event
Mark Jones
May 21, 2017
Lecture : 10 a.m – 12 noon
Workshop: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Pre-registration is closed for this event but we have a few seats left. Be sure to Contact Us if you are planning to come and pay at the door. We don’t want to have to turn people away. Thanks, and we hope you can make it!
The Pathway of the Moon: The Lunar Nodes as the key to personal evolution
This talk rediscovers the work of Dane Rudhyar on the Lunar Nodes and expands upon it to create a technically simple but psychologically profound way of exploring personal evolution through the birth-chart. The Nodes will be seen as expressing the arc of personal evolution and planets conjunct and square the nodes will be explored as influences upon that personal trajectory. The talk will be illustrated with examples from Mark’s extensive client work.
The Outer Planets as the Higher Octave of the Inner Planets:
How transpersonal forces shape personal evolution
This workshop re-examines Rudhyar’s work on the outer planets being “higher octaves” of the inner planets. It explores the idea of the outer planets as representative of qualities within the Soul or Deep Self. This workshop introduces the idea that understanding the way that transpersonal energy shapes personal evolution, i.e. outer planets in aspect to inner planets or the lunar nodes, is the key to enable powerful transformation within the individual. The teaching will be illustrated with powerful case studies.
Mark Jones—an astrologer, Psychosynthesis therapist, and hypnotherapist based in Wales—works with clients and students worldwide and is a regular speaker and workshop leader in North America and Europe. Mark’s first book, Healing the Soul: Pluto, Uranus, and the Lunar Nodes, explores the basis of his astrological approach. His second, The Soul Speaks: The Therapeutic Power of Astrology explores the transformative power of the natal chart reading and the astrologer’s role in that transformation. In addition, Mark has co-authored Dialogues with Frank Clifford and contributed chapters to Astrology: the New Generation; Transpersonal Astrology; and Insights into Evolutionary Astrology. Mark is renowned for fusing astrology and psychotherapy into a powerful form of transformational mentoring. Mark’s website – – has many resources for students. He can be contacted at [email protected] (more…)