July 23 – Linea Van Horn, Aspect Patterns

Linea Van Horn
Aspect Patterns
Sunday, July 23, 2017
1 pm – 4 pm
All those shocking triangles and squares in the middle of charts – what do they mean? Learn about the major aspect patterns: the stellium, grand trines and kites, T-squares, grand crosses, yods and mystic rectangles. This presentation is geared to the intermediate student of astrology, and focuses on using elements and modes both to identify these patterns and interpret them. We’ll look at plenty of charts to see real-life examples of aspect patterns in action. Workshop includes many additional considerations, examples, suggestions and clues in chart analysis.
Linea Van Horn, C.A., NCGR, is the Astrologer at Large. Linea is Founder and President Emeritus of the San Francisco Astrological Society (1992-2014) and has served on three NCGR boards, including the Board of Examiners. Formerly employed in the astrology Internet industry, Linea is a respected teacher, published author, and popular, lively presenter. She now devotes herself to client work, teaching, writing, and community building in the San Francisco Bay Area. Member of AFAN, ISAR and OPA. Visit Linea’s website: www.astrologeratlarge.com Email Linea: [email protected]
Pre-registration price: $15 NCGR members, $25 non-members (available through July 19)
Price at the door: $20 NCGR members, $30 non-members
Advanced registration is closed for this but seats are available at the door. We hope to see you there!
Preregistration is important for this event, as space is limited.
- Preregistration with prepayment must be received one week prior to the event. After that, only the pay at the door price is available, space permitting. Contact us at [email protected] for updates on seats available.
Refund Policy for Lectures/Workshops
- There will be NO CASH REFUNDS offered for workshop or lecture pre-registrations
- If the leadership team is advised at least 24 hours prior to the event that a registrant will not be able to attend the event, the registrant will be offered the choice of transferring the payment to one of these options: (a) a future NCGR Sacramento Area event; OR, (b) membership in NCGR Sacramento Area
- Please notify us at [email protected] if you will be unable to attend. The email stamp will be used to determine the time of notification. If you are unable to notify us by email, please call (916)276-1858.
The Reserves at the Galleria Clubhouse 501 Gibson Drive, Roseville, CA E-mail [email protected] for Gate Entry Code and More Details Important Parking Information Because The Reserves at the Galleria is a gated community, we do not publish the gate code publicly. Please email us for that information: [email protected]. There are only a few guest parking spots the complex, but there are plenty of parking spaces right across the street. Here are pictures and instructions. More information about our meetings. ~~~