September 23 – Armand Diaz, Separating Aspects (Relationships)

Armand Diaz
Separating Aspects: The Astrology of Breakups, Divorce, and Other Partings
Sunday, September 23, 2018
1 pm – 3:30 pm
Although the end of romantic relationship, a friendship, or business partnership can be painful, it isn’t always traumatic and usually holds potential for growth. You’ll learn about a variety of relationship patterns, how to spot the four major astrological signatures of breakups, and what promises they each hold for the future. We’ll emphasize client choice, and the skills needed to talk to people at these vulnerable points in the relationships.
Armand Diaz, Ph.D., is Publications Director for the NCGR national board, Books and Articles Editor for the Astrology News Service, and Contributing Editor to NCGR’s eNews. Armand speaks on astrology nationally and internationally, and his writing has appeared in a number of publications. His book credits include Integral Astrology: Understanding the Ancient Discipline in the Contemporary World and Transpersonal Astrology. Separating Aspects, his most recent book, is about relationship astrology. An NCGR-PAA certified consultation astrologer, Armand can be reached via his website,