April 28 – Frank Clifford: Reframing the Scary Stuff


Frank Clifford

Reframing the
“Scary” Stuff

Stay at Home Webinar 

Sunday, April 28, 2024
10 am – 12 pm, PT

In this talk, Frank will tackle some areas of interpretation that trouble beginners and astrology practitioners alike. Join him as he works to reframe the ‘bad guys’ by offering different approaches and solutions to retrogrades, hard aspects and other so-called debilitated positions in the horoscope. Frank will also look at ways to best navigate Saturn and Pluto in the natal chart and by transit.
Frank Clifford has been an astrologer for over 35 years, has written a dozen books on astrology and palmistry, and lectured in a dozen countries. He runs courses online and in person via the London School of Astrology. Sign up here for courses, events and free videos: www.londonschoolofastrology.com

Payment (Step 1) and Zoom Registration (Step 2)

Step 1: Payment

NCGR Members: $10 – Non-Members: $15

After payment, you will see a link for STEP 2: Zoom Registration. (You may need to scroll the page especially if you are on a phone.)

YOU MUST COMPLETE STEP 2 at Zoom to finalize your registration and receive the link to the meeting.

IMPORTANT: If after completing Step 2 you don’t receive an email with a meeting link immediately from Zoom, let us know right away. We cannot be responsible if the registration process was not completed.

April 2024 Meeting | Choose Member or Non-Member below.
