August 26 – Wade Caves: Horary Astrology Two-Part Event

Two-Part Lecture and Workshop Event
Wade Caves
August 26, 2018
Lecture : 10 a.m – 12 noon
Workshop: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Morning Lecture:
Connections in Horary Astrology
As astrologers, we seek to form connections between the microcosm and the macrocosm through interpretation of planetary symbolism. Horary astrology often accomplishes this as a standalone technique, and yet each horary necessarily carries the signature of larger astrological cycles being unfolded. This talk explores horary’s relationship to natal, electional and resolution charts, and how these connections impact upon our understanding of the power and purpose of astrology.
Afternoon Workshop:
The Divinatory Art of Horary Astrology
Horary astrology is a remarkably decisive technique that allows both astrologer and client to cut to the chase of a seemingly unsolvable dilemma. Through chart delineation, the client’s range of options are assessed and thoroughly explored. In this workshop we will study the guiding principles of horary technique, using both historical and modern examples. We will explore charts related to relationships and pregnancy, career and finance, missing objects and more, with a mind to what is generalizable across fields of questioning. Suitable for all levels, regardless of prior horary experience.
Wade Caves, based in London, UK, is an astrological consultant and educator specialising in horary, electional and classical astrological technique. He was certified with honours from the Mayo School of Astrology and has expert knowledge of both traditional and modern psychological methods of chart delineation. Wade’s passion is in understanding the historical and philosophical origins of astrological symbolism, and finding reliable ways to put this information to practical use in consultation. He is the editor and annotator of the 300th anniversary edition of William Lilly’s History of His Life and Times (Rubedo Press, 2015). Wade received his certification as a horary practitioner from the School of Traditional Astrology (STA) in 2013, and now serves as a faculty member. He delivers the Practitioner’s Level Horary Course as an intensive attendance program and online. Wade has a busy consultation practice, lectures widely and publishes frequently through journal articles and online podcasts. Website:
Email: [email protected].