by NCGRSac | Jan 27, 2023 | Events, Meetings

Wendy Stacey,
A Curse or a Blessing: Unaspected Planets
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, May 21, 2023
11 a.m. – 1 p.m. PST
Very little research has been done on Unaspected Planets yet they have been used since the writings of Ptolemy. So how do we interpret planets that do not have any major aspects in the birth chart? How do these planets connect or integrate with the other dynamics in the horoscope? This talk will look at how Unaspected Planets can be the most dominant and obvious placement in the birth chart, how they can behave and express themselves and explore the vast or limited resources available that can either bottle or unleash them.
by NCGRSac | May 24, 2021 | Events

Wendy Stacey
Working with Neptune Transits
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, July 25, 2021
10 am-12 noon
Currently, we are blessed with Neptune’s journey through Pisces, it’s ruling sign in modern astrology. When client’s experience Neptune transits they often feel lost and despair. As astrologers, we can hold their hand and guide them; help them learn to reframe their experiences by having faith in following the little white rabbit.
Wendy Stacey (BA, MA, Dip LSA) is the principal of the international Mayo School of Astrology (since 2007), tutor for the London School of Astrology (since 2003) and Chair of the Astrological Association (since 2002). She has written numerous articles for the Astrological Journal and is the author of Consulting With Astrology (2012), Uranus Square Pluto (2012) and about to have published Covid-19 through the Microscopic Lens of Astrology (2021) and Unaspected Planets (2021). She has contributed to The New Generation (2012), The Professional Astrologer (2016), Bitcoin (2018). In 2014 Wendy received the Charles Harvey award for ‘Exceptional Service to Astrology’. Website: [email protected]

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In order for us to continue our webinars, we’d greatly appreciate a donation of $10-20 if you possibly can afford it. Thank you! (You can select which event you would like to apply the donation to or make it a general donation. You will still need to click the registration link above to register for the event.)