November 13 – Linda Kubota Byrd, The Game of LIFE Through the Lens of Astrology

Linda Kubota Byrd
The Game of LIFE Through the Lens of Astrology
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, November 13, 2022
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Linda Kubota Byrd has Aquarius rising with a tight trine from Uranus, so this presentation is going to be different. We’ll be exploring your chart through the lens of the cosmos. You can let your brain rest and engage your imagination. This presentation will include self-exploration, practical considerations, food for thought, while being experiential and insightful. We’ll be discussing how your chart is reflected in your life and how you can use astrology to gracefully transition from victim to creator. Join us for this interactive workshop where you’ll not only learn more about astrology and yourself, but have fun in the process!