by NCGRSac | Jan 18, 2022 | Events, Meetings

Rachel Lang
Financial Turning Points
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, July 24, 2022
2 – 4 p.m.
Certain transits and progressions show possibilities for changes in our financial circumstances. Some show job changes and bonuses, some indicate windfalls or lucky breaks, and others show times when it’s wise to be cautious. When we understand the financial turning points in our charts, we can make wise financial decisions. In this presentation, Rachel Lang guides you through the spiritual and material significance of astrological turning points, helping you become more conscious about how to move through transits, progressions, and directions with ease.
by NCGRSac | Dec 22, 2020 | Events

Christeen Skinner
Navigating Cosmic Seas: 2021-2026
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, February 28, 2021
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
In the years leading into the unique alignment of Saturn and Neptune on the World Axis, many of the outer planets (including some from the Kuiper Belt) change signs. The global financial boat is sure to be rocked. Do you have a lifeboat ready? How can you prepare? This talk looks at the exciting time ahead and ponders how best we can enjoy swimming through these as yet unchartered waters.
Christeen Skinner D.F.Astrol S., FRSA is Director of Cityscopes London. She taught for the Faculty of Astrological Studies, was Chair of the Astrological Association of Great Britain, and is a Trustee of the Urania Trust and a Director of the Alexandria I-base Library . She has spoken at many major conferences (UAC, AA, NCGR and ISAR) and is author of ‘Exploring the Financial Universe’, ‘The Beginner’s Guide to Financial Astrology’ and ‘Navigating the Financial Universe’. In 2019 she received the Charles Harvey Award for services to astrology. Christeen is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Website:
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In order for us to continue our webinars, we’d greatly appreciate a donation of $10-20 if you possibly can afford it. Thank you!
by NCGRSac | Jun 15, 2012 | Events, Meetings

Georgia Stathis Workshop
Forecasting Trends in Financial Astrology
Some things to look for when…..
Sunday, November 18, 2012
1:00 – 5:00 PM
Workshop Overview
Forecasting trends for public markets as well as individual charts are quite similar. We use the same techniques, but view them from a larger perspective. When working with money and finances, one cannot just know astrology. They also have to be aware of the greater marketplace and economic realities devoid of politics. This requires focus and objectivity and the ability to contrast and compare graphs with cycles.
Georgia Stathis will be presenting different ways of looking at future financial trends. Some of the topics covered are various financial cycles with a greater focus on the McWhirter or Nodal Cycle (which, of course, runs with the eclipses). In addition, she’ll discuss how to determine what chart to use and what chart not to use, for example, contrasting and comparing an incorporation chart with a first trade chart.
Synodic cycles (a major focus for her upcoming book) which are similar to the Lunation Cycle are discussed and examples shown along with what to look for in Ingress charts with examples of some recent ingresses of the outer planets.
Some of the charts to be explored are the Federal Reserve and New York Stock Exchange chart by David Beazley. If there is time, she may present some information on the differences between residential and land investments–her presentation from UAC 2012.
Attendees: It is suggested you bring both the 20th and 21st century ephemerides for your own edification and “a-ha” experiences.

Georgia Stathis
Georgia Stathis
Georgia Stathis is a first-generation Greek-American whose cultural roots are in myth, story, and trade. Georgia Stathis is a Pleasant Hill, California, USA-based astrologer and popular international lecturer who received a BS degree from Northwestern University in Chicago and an MBA degree from Pepperdine University in California. She started her practice in 1977 and is a regular contributor to the astrological community through books, articles, lectures and a variety of learning materials, including the annual Starcycles Calendar.
Georgia teaches at Kepler College and her articles are frequently featured in such publications as: The Traders’ Astrological Almanac, published by Linda Long (available by writing [email protected]). She has also contributed to The Mountain Astrologer, ISAR and ISBA International Journals, several Llewellyn publications as well as The Encyclopedia of Astrology and various international websites.
* In 2012, all meetings will have a planetary theme. Chart readings will focus on this planet and will encompass as many other aspects of the chart as we have time to interpret.
Pre-registration price: $35 NCGR members, $40 non-members – available thru 11-11-12.
Price at the door: $40 NCGR members, $50 non-members
Let us know if you’re joining us for dinner afterwards with Georgia at Mikuni’s Kaizen at The Fountains.
Advanced registration is closed for this event. Seats are still available at the door. (more…)