August 25, 2013: Doug Noblehorse – Quincunx & Lots

Quincunx and Lot of Fortune

Quincunx and Lot of Fortune




Quincunx / Inconjunct
& Lots of Fortune and Spirit

Sunday, August 25, 2013
1:00-3:30 pm



Lecture Details

In honor of Hermes (aka Mercury) and his ingress into the Virgin (aka Virgo) we present a fresh investigation into two disparate facets of the astrological system, the first being the quincunx/inconjunct aspect and the second being the Lots (aka Parts) of Fortune and Spirit.

The Quincunx and Inconjunct Aspects: What to Do When You Can’t Get the Job Done by Yourself!

All of the major aspects in your horoscope ideally find resolution through give-and-take, negotiation and the recognition and appreciation of common ground – sextiles share a common gender, squares share modalities, trines partake of the same element and oppositions share gender and modalities. But what do you do when you encounter the quincunx and its sibling the inconjunct in your chart? These minor major or major minor (with apologies to Catch-22!) aspects share absolutely nothing in common! How do you find common ground where there is no common ground? This talk explores the history and original perception of the modern quincunx/inconjunct aspect, which reveals the resolution (coming from an unexpected corner of astrology) to this vexing paradox!

The Lots of Fortune and Spirit: 10 Things You Should Know About These Ancient Metaphysical Points in the Horoscope

This talk gives an overview of the astrological Lots of Fortune and Spirit, perhaps in the first case more familiarly known as the Part of Fortune. What are these points anyway? What do they mean? As ancient points, do they have any relevance to the modern world? And if so, how can they be interpreted and used in modern astrological interpretation? We’ll answer these questions and more, with the goal of deepening your understanding and forever changing your perception of these essential, fundamental features of the horoscope.

Doug Noblehorse

Doug Noblehorse

Douglas Noblehorse has been studying and practicing astrology for over 45 years. Initially finding inspiration in Rudhyar’s Humanistic astrology that was popularized during the 70s and 80s, he began a study of ancient Hellenistic astrology in 2006 – and was delighted to find unmistakable connections to modern astrology! Originally from Washington State and currently living in Phoenix, Arizona he gives readings, lectures for organizations and at conferences (i.e. UAC 2012), teaches classes, and writes on various aspects of Astrology. Doug also serves on the Arizona Society of Astrologers as their Education Director and Webmaster. Doug’s website is Hermes Half Hour at (more…)