June 23, 2013: Eric Meyers – Spirtual Astrology
& Spiritual Awakening
Sunday, June 23, 2013
1:00-3:30 pm
Lecture Details
We are all here to develop greater awareness about ourselves and the world.
Eric will introduce a spiritual approach to the Sun and Moon, seeing them in terms of awakening from unconsciousness. He will illustrate that there is a personal level in understanding them, but also a transpersonal one. Then, we’ll explore how the major planets function differently depending on the consciousness we bring to them. Every planet can be in service to the ego or the soul. Are we going to use astrology to cooperate with nature, or only to see to our self-interests?

Eric Meyers
Eric Meyers has an M.A. in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology (Naropa University in Boulder, CO), and is a graduate of the Steven Forrest Apprenticeship program. With a focus on spiritual awakening, he is forging a career as a unique voice for evolutionary growth. Eric released his latest book, The Astrology of Awakening, in 2012. Other works include Elements & Evolution: The Spiritual Landscape of Astrology, Uranus: The Constant of Change, and Between Past & Presence: A Spiritual View of the Moon & Sun. Eric has lectured at several astrology conferences, and has been featured in The Mountain Astrologer. He maintains a busy practice teaching astrology and doing counseling in Asheville, North Carolina. Website: www.soulvisionconsulting.com, email: [email protected]
* In 2013, all meetings will have a zodiac sign theme. Group chart interpretations will focus on this sign and will encompass as many other aspects of the chart as we have time to discuss. (more…)