by NCGRSac | Aug 27, 2019 | Events, FrontPage

Linda Byrd
Bringing Your Chart to Life
Self Discovery through
the Lens of Astrology
Saturday, October 12, 2019
10 am – 5 pm
Sylvan Community Center
7521 Community Drive, Citrus Heights

Learning astrology is usually a left-brained activity. We show up, take copious notes and try to understand what we learned. This workshop is different! Whether you are brand new to astrology or a gifted professional, through this interactive format you will discover new insights as to how your beliefs, behaviors and judgements have been silently running your life. These different parts make up your “inner committee.” Some are guiding you to exactly where you want to be and some may be sabotaging you, keeping you feeling unfulfilled and stuck. Where did these thoughts come from, why are they there and how can you bring harmony to your life? This workshop provides an avenue for a deeper exploration into who you are, what gifts you possess and how to best turn limiting beliefs into tools of empowerment.
- Take charge, awaken and trust your own knowing
- Consciously collaborate with your inner committee
- Honor and embrace all parts of who you are
by NCGRSac | Aug 25, 2013 | Events, FrontPage, Meetings, News

Astrodrama and Experiential Astrology Workshop
Star Stories Astrodrama Workshop
Join us for a Special Astrodrama and Experiential Astrology Workshop
Saturday, October 12, 2013
1:00-5:00 pm
Workshop Details
Experiential Astrology and Astrodrama are ways of acting out the planets in your chart, with the help of others, to give you an experience of how these energies feel and operate inside you and in your life. Experiential astrology takes studying the stars out of a purely mental pursuit to include the body, mind and spirit. Its somatic emphasis offers an opportunity to feel the energies, often accompanied by instant insights. The April/May issue (#168) of The Mountain Astrologer focuses on Experiential Astrology. Within this issue Tom Brady describes: “…in the lexicon of philosophy, ‘experientialism’ is the position that concrete experience is both the origin and ultimate validation of all human knowledge. Experiential astrology then, is any form of practice that conveys information through sensory impressions rather than language-mediated intellectual constructs”.
This workshop is for all levels of Astrology lovers. We will explore planetary energies through visualization, movement and sound. We will dress up and act out various aspects of each other’s charts. There is absolutely no acting experience needed, only an open-hearted willingness to explore and play. Beginners will be supported by more seasoned Astrologers but rest assured that this type of exploration is a new experience for everyone involved.

Remy Lindsey R.N. is a Professional Astrologer who has been on a quest for healing through body mind spirit practices for over 30 years. She has studied and taught Somatics and Visualization. She has been utilizing Astro-drama in beginning level Astrology classes and offering workshops for the last 5 years. Please contact Remy with your birth date, time and place. She will print out your chart before class. She would also like to know if there is a specific area of your birth chart which you would like to explore in this way. (530) 559-7009 | [email protected] |
Quotes from participants in our Open House astrodrama preview:
“I am so very glad that I volunteered to do the Astrodrama and am continuing to reap the benefits of playing Joyce’s Capricorn Moon. My own natal Moon is my least aspected planet, so in typical astrological blindness to my own chart, I’ve always blamed all my fear issues on my Cancer Sun. After allowing my own Capricorn Moon to finally express itself through my Leo Asc. (an inconjunct is never easy), I’ve come to realize that almost all of my deep-seeded fears and anxieties actually rest in my Moon. ”
“From the time I consented to play Uranus, I felt “his buzz” and incessant ideas about how to help our “subject” break free filled my head. “
“For me, there was a feeling of surprise about what actually came out of my mouth in relationship to the other “planets.” It showed me a part of myself that I’m less aware of on a daily basis, and it wasn’t particularly comfortable, but it was very Scorpionic. I seemed to be saying, “you lightweight Librans buck up and get down to the work of opening to deeper change, rather than a more superficial desire to be liked and have fun.” I never thought I, Kate, would say that I had a better relationship with Capricorn energy than Libran, but that’s how it played. I felt very supportive of Joyce’s Moon and the seriousness of its intent. So I was transported out of my more typical experience of myself and I found that most valuable. “
“I felt burdened with the responsibility of being Mercury. It was so easy to be superficial with words, just as it is in life“.
Joyce Mason volunteered to have us “play out” a challenging aspect in her chart and this is how it felt for her, “I had become so used to the dysfunctional family of the planets squaring my Moon and having to cope with them creatively and constantly, I didn’t even realize how much fear and anxiety my Capricorn Moon constantly processes. Of course, with Neptune one of the Square Players, my awareness was bound to be a little murky … but awareness is the key to overcoming. I have been popping insights ever since about how much fear exhausts my energy supply. I am already noticing fear faster and starting to assess whether it’s based on anything real. Very liberating. Many thanks to Remy and the Astrodrama players!“
by NCGRSac | Oct 15, 2012 | Events, Meetings

Honeymoon Phase or True Love?
A Conversation on Companionship through Astrology
Sunday, February 24, 2013 – 1:00-5:00 pm
Pre-registration price: $35 NCGR members, $45 non-members
Price at the door: $40 NCGR members, $50 non-members
Workshop Details
Have you ever wondered how to best deal with certain friendships, romantic relationships, or even business partnerships? During this lively workshop, participants will learn how to examine and exalt human relationships through the use of simple synastry, composite charts, and a little TLC!

Andrea Gehrz
In its most basic uses, Astrology can be used to help understand our web of human relationships. In fact, Astrology can provide endless insight into how to best love those around us! Unlike any other study in existence, Astrology can be used to examine the emotional, mental, and practical landscape of any type of merging between two individuals. During this afternoon, we will turn the tables on fate and begin the art of uplifting ourselves through the manifestation of positive vibrational relationships. Participants will learn how to avert possible relationship disaster by checking theoretical composite charts, strengthen areas of weakness through intentional compositing, and to partner up with those people who will advance our life emotional, spiritually, materially, etc.
Students are encouraged to bring charts to be used as examples. All questions will be rendered from the “personal to the public” in order to teach to the entire group!
Andrea Gehrz is a practicing astrologer in Portland, Oregon, having done countless readings for a delightful and varied group of clients in her ten years of experience. Andrea loves doing consultations as well as astrological research, and her current interests are astrological remediation, the astrology of relationships, children’s readings, addiction relief through astrology, and the intricate timing of everyday life in order to optimize the energies of the chart. Ms. Gehrz has most recently published two books, A Wonderbook of True Astrological Case Files and a textbook entitled Astrological Remediation: A Guide for the Modern Practitioner. For more information on Andrea and her work, go to Contact her at [email protected] or 971-404-5068. (more…)
by NCGRSac | Mar 1, 2012 | Events, Meetings

Workshop with
Peter Burns
Timing events Exactly when?
Sunday, May 20, 2012
1:00 – 5:00 PM (Special Time)
The Reserves at the Galleria Clubhouse
501 Gibson Drive, Roseville, CA
E-mail [email protected] for Gate Entry Code and More Details
Pre-registration price: $35 NCGR members, $40 non-members
Price at the door: $40 NCGR members, $50 non-members
HORARY ASTROLOGY: Timing events Exactly when?
Horary astrology is predictive astrology at its finest. It contains the basic first principles of astrology in a clear format and is especially suited to answering questions that concern the timing of an event.
When will he call? When will the check arrive? When will the pet dog return home? When will I meet my soul mate?These and similar questions are answerable using the simple techniques offered by the ancient art of horary astrology.

Peter Burns
In this workshop Peter Burns will discuss and explain some of the important techniques used to answer questions on timing in horary astrology.
Peter Burns is a specialist astrology teacher running distance education courses. He served as president of the Victorian Astrologers Association (VAA) 2006-2008, and has been the editor of the quarterly national Journal for the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA) since 2000. His successful predictions include the recent global financial crisis.
Peter has lectured extensively in Australia since 1998 and more recently in the US. Peter is passionate about the need for astrologers to acquire a solid foundation in the ‘first principles’ of astrology, and runs the Horary Astrology Diploma Course by distance education.
- Preregistration is important for this event, as space is limited. Preregistration with prepayment must be received one week prior to the event (by May 13). After that, only the pay at the door price is available, space permitting. Contact us at [email protected] for updates on seats available.
- Attendees are welcome to join us after the meeting at a local restaurant for a no-host dinner with Peter. Please RSVP with your PayPal payment or write a note with your check if you plan to attend.
ADVANCED REGISTRATION – available thru May 13
You may also pay by check made out to NCGR-Sacramento Area. Mail to 2351 Sunset Blvd., Suite 170-404, Rocklin, CA 95765. Your check must be received no later than Saturday, May 12.
Refund Policy for Lectures/Workshops
- There will be NO CASH REFUNDS offered for workshop or lecture preregistrations
- If the leadership team is advised at least 24 hours prior to the event that a registrant will not be able to attend the event, the registrant will be offered the choice of transferring the payment to one of these options:
(a) a future NCGR Sacramento Area event; OR,
(b) membership in NCGR Sacramento Area
- Please notify us at [email protected] if you will be unable to attend. The email stamp will be used to determine the time of notification. If you are unable to notify us by email, please call (916)276-1858.