by NCGRSac | Jul 1, 2024 | Events, Meetings

Lunch and Learn
General Meeting and Local Get-together in Granite Bay, CA
Sunday, September 15, 2024
1:30-3 p.m. PT
Oak Leaf Cafe: 5540 Douglas Blvd Suite 110, Granite Bay CA, 95746.
Join us at a local meetup to gather and share astrology wisdom and insights over a good meal. A great chance to socialize and see your old (and new) astro-buddies.
We will be holding a brief chapter meeting at this event. Come and give your input and/or learn about the Sacramento Chapter of NCGR.
Oak Leaf Cafe in Granite Bay has a room for us with a view of the Quarry Pond. There is no fee for this event; you pay only for the cost of your meal and tip. If you can bring the right amount of cash to cover those, it will be helpful. They have a room for 20 of us so please make sure to register as we will be starting a wait list when we get to that number. With that in mind, if you have registered and will not be able to come, please let us know as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly. (more…)
by NCGRSac | Jun 4, 2024 | Events, Meetings

Demetra George
Asteroids: The Mysterious Disappearance of Malaysian Flight MH 370
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, July 28, 2024
11 am – 1 pm
(Due to a schedule change and fortuitous events, we will have the wonderful Demetra George with us for our July online meeting!)
Take a deep dive into the world of 26,000 asteroids where personal names and geographical places have as much significance as mythic deities. What can the asteroids tell us about the disappearance of MH 370? Which names show up at the power points of the plane’s take off chart? Will the new 2024 investigations being considered reveal promising clues as to the flight’s whereabouts?
SPECIAL BONUS Join Demetra for a post-lecture discussion with the audience about what the specificity of asteroid correspondences implies about the nature of the cosmos in which we live. An amazing opportunity!
Demetra George, scholar, translator, and practitioner, brings the practice of contemporary astrology back to its ancient roots. Early in her career with the publication of Asteroid Goddesses (1986), she looked to cross-cultural mythologies to draw out the archetypal meanings and psychological expression of newly available planetary bodies. She then turned to Greek and Latin texts, articulating the history, cosmology, and techniques of traditional astrology. Author of seven books, her most recent is Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice: A Manual of Traditional Techniques, Vols. 1 &2 (Rubedo Press, 2019,2022).
by NCGRSac | Jun 1, 2024 | Events, Meetings

Greg Bogart
Pre-Election Astrological Soul Search
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, October 27, 2024
2-4 pm
In light of all things election, we have a timely topic change for Greg’s talk!
In our current exciting, unsettled times, astrology is a beacon through the darkness, showing each person the tasks that are pressing at this moment and the direction we elect for our own lives. Today we’ll look at transits for the coming months and year and imagine the possibilities of four outer planets changing signs, as well as the current Jupiter–Saturn square. For a spiritual tune-up we’ll consider a few inspirational passages from the work of Dane Rudhyar, in honor of his Jupiter return and Saturn and Neptune conjunct his natal Sun in 2025. We’ll look at the charts of presidential candidates for whatever insights we can glean. Greg will also encapsulate the message of his recent books, Astrology’s Higher Octaves and Astrology as a Therapeutic Art: Healing Human Relationships.
by NCGRSac | May 2, 2024 | Events, Meetings

April Elliott Kent
Secondary Progressions: The Soul’s Unfolding
Sunday, June 30, 2024, 1-4:30 pm
Your natal chart is like an illustration on a seed packet, showing the ravishing flower you could potentially become. But just as harsh weather or poor cultivation affect a garden, planetary transits track the external forces that impact your development. To reach your full potential requires that you respond to these forces with creativity and heart. Secondary progressions trace the inner journey of your soul’s unfolding toward your potential and offer guidance for handling the toughest transits.
Following the workshop, we will be taking April out to dinner at a nearby restaurant and attendees are most welcome to join us!
April Elliott Kent is a professional astrologer and author living in San Diego, California. She is the author of Astrological Transits (Fair Winds Press, 2015), The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology (Alpha/Penguin 2011), and Star Guide to Weddings (Llewellyn 2008). Her astrological writing has also appeared in The Mountain Astrologer and Dell Horoscope magazines and in Llewellyn’s Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Sabbats annuals. A popular lecturer, April served on the faculty of UAC 2012 and 2018, SOTA 2016, ISAR 2016, Beyond the Borders 2020, and Making of the One Thing 2018 (New Zealand). April is past president of the San Diego Astrological Society and served on the AFAN Steering Committee, and is a member of ISAR, NCGR, AFAN, and OPA. Her website is Social Media Links: Facebook: bigskyastrology Instagram: @bigskyastrologyapril
Just a note, our new meeting place, the Cooperative Extension in Sacramento, might be a tad cool, so dress in layers or bring a jacket just in case.
Preregister now…

Secondary Progressions: the Soul’s Unfolding
NCGR Members: $35, Non-Members: $50
All meeting times are in Pacific Time. We continue to bring you top quality speakers and our typical webinar fees are $10 for members and $15 for non-members. (As always, scholarships are available and donations are appreciated.)
by NCGRSac | Feb 22, 2024 | Events, Meetings

Frank Clifford
Reframing the
“Scary” Stuff
Stay at Home Webinar
Sunday, April 28, 2024
10 am – 12 pm, PT
In this talk, Frank will tackle some areas of interpretation that trouble beginners and astrology practitioners alike. Join him as he works to reframe the ‘bad guys’ by offering different approaches and solutions to retrogrades, hard aspects and other so-called debilitated positions in the horoscope. Frank will also look at ways to best navigate Saturn and Pluto in the natal chart and by transit.
Frank Clifford has been an astrologer for over 35 years, has written a dozen books on astrology and palmistry, and lectured in a dozen countries. He runs courses online and in person via the London School of Astrology. Sign up here for courses, events and free videos:
Payment (Step 1) and Zoom Registration (Step 2)

Step 1: Payment
NCGR Members: $10 – Non-Members: $15
After payment, you will see a link for STEP 2: Zoom Registration. (You may need to scroll the page especially if you are on a phone.)
YOU MUST COMPLETE STEP 2 at Zoom to finalize your registration and receive the link to the meeting.
IMPORTANT: If after completing Step 2 you don’t receive an email with a meeting link immediately from Zoom, let us know right away. We cannot be responsible if the registration process was not completed.