by NCGRSac | Aug 27, 2019 | Events, FrontPage

Linda Byrd
Bringing Your Chart to Life
Self Discovery through
the Lens of Astrology
Saturday, October 12, 2019
10 am – 5 pm
Sylvan Community Center
7521 Community Drive, Citrus Heights

Learning astrology is usually a left-brained activity. We show up, take copious notes and try to understand what we learned. This workshop is different! Whether you are brand new to astrology or a gifted professional, through this interactive format you will discover new insights as to how your beliefs, behaviors and judgements have been silently running your life. These different parts make up your “inner committee.” Some are guiding you to exactly where you want to be and some may be sabotaging you, keeping you feeling unfulfilled and stuck. Where did these thoughts come from, why are they there and how can you bring harmony to your life? This workshop provides an avenue for a deeper exploration into who you are, what gifts you possess and how to best turn limiting beliefs into tools of empowerment.
- Take charge, awaken and trust your own knowing
- Consciously collaborate with your inner committee
- Honor and embrace all parts of who you are
by NCGRSac | May 19, 2015 | Events, Meetings

Experiential Astrology
Linda Byrd
Sunday, June 28, 2015, 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Learning Astrology is usually a left brained activity. We show up, take copious notes and then try to remember what we learned. THIS WORKSHOP IS DIFFERENT! You will be involved in getting to know yourself through the lens of Astrology, from a feeling perspective. Find out what’s lurking in your psyche, shed light on and address what Steven Forrest so eloquently states as a fundamental issue we all face.
“Who we really are is in conflict with our social conditioning. The psyche demands resolution of this schism and the resolution is typically quite dramatic. There is resentment regarding other people’s expectations and a desire to avoid being defined by them. The universe is asking us exactly what price we’ll pay for honesty, integrity and freedom. ” ~Steven Forrest
While understanding is part of the solution, engaging feelings gives a deeper level of awareness and the key to freedom! Depending on how much time we have, these are some of the questions we will be addressing:
- When you act like this, what are you avoiding?
- How do you want people to perceive you? Why?
- What makes you most happy? Experience your tribe!
- What inner voice holds you back?
by NCGRSac | Apr 5, 2014 | Events

Meet and Befriend Your Inner Committee
Self Discovery and Empowerment through the Lens of Astrology
With Linda Byrd
Saturday, October 11, 2014, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Lunch Included
Through this experiential process you will discover and integrate the unconscious, yet key, parts of yourself.
Suitable for non-astrologers, beginners, intermediates and above An ideal opportunity to learn about yourselves, spouses, partners, friends, co-workers, etc. by doing this together.
We are in a time of unparalleled change. Old ways aren’t working, and feeling afraid and “out-of-control” is the new norm. Relationships are up for evaluation, but if we don’t know and accept ourselves, how can we fully accept another? Astrology provides a key to your unconscious and gives you a tool to proactively use the energies of change for your highest good, This workshop is an easy introduction to astrology and a golden opportunity for profound personal growth. What we will cover:
1) Astrology Basics: Where your inner committee is sitting at your conference table – Elements and Qualities
2) Moon and Ascendant: Your emotional security needs and your public persona – conditioned patterns
3) Sun and Mercury: Your essence and how you think and communicate
4) Saturn: Where you feel afraid or inadequate, your unconscious saboteur

Linda Byrd
Linda Kubota Byrd is a certified DREAM COACH and has used Astrology as a personal growth consultant for 20 years. She was on the volunteer team of the Aspire Foundation using Transformational Astrology for 10 years and has earned a Level Two Certificate from Steven Forrest’s Evolutionary Astrology Apprenticeship Program. She has studied with John Ruskell, Gavin Carruthers, Tom Lescher, Maurice Fernandez, and many others. Facilitating workshops for 16 years she incorporates Astrology, Energy Psychology, Grapho-Therapy, Conscious Creating, NLP, etc. to help people manifest authentic, rich, fulfilling lives.
- “I have to share because I am so joyful and excited! Last night was very transformational for me…You are truly a gift in my life.” Kathy Grimes
- “Thank you for hosting such a wonderful evening. It was profound for me in some ways, especially the introspection around mother…I like your style a lot. Minimalist and yet profound.” Kate Sholly
- “I would strongly recommend Linda’s class/workshop. Her approach is an individual as well as a group effort to better understand each Natal planet on a personal level. As we went around the circle of Virgo Moons, it was as if a mirror was reflecting back to me my own experience.” Shirley Nakano
- “Your class brings me joy and happiness. It helps me to feel connected to others, which is such a blessing for me.” Elizabeth Yeatts
- “You skillfully did the entire evening with grace and ease and made everyone feel comfortable while they were being vulnerable. You were a gift to all.” Cathrine Glashan
Pre-registration price: $79 if registered by October 4, 2014, $89 thereafter (pre-registration by October 10 required).
ADVANCED REGISTRATION: Registration is closed for this event.
~~~ Preregistration is important for this event, as space is limited.
- Preregistration with prepayment must be received one week prior to the event. After that, only the pay at the door price is available, space permitting. Contact us at [email protected] for updates on seats available. You may also pay by check made out to NCGR-Sacramento Area. Mail to 2351 Sunset Blvd., Suite 170-404, Rocklin, CA 95765. Your check must be received no later than Saturday, one week before the event.